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What digital media means for the AV industry, with Craig Frankenstein

Surely, you've heard it before: Print is dead.

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6 Ways to Create User-Friendly Office Environments

There are many factors that impact how productive employees are, but recent research shows that user-friendly office design has one of the

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Technology for a More Productive Workplace

Countries and companies have been experimenting with the idea of shortening their workweeks recently. They want to improve the quality of

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Is it time to invest in virtual reality technology?

If spending more than a year and a half of your life on Facebook -- as estimated in this Mediakix infographic -- isn’t enough, the company

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Choose Devices That Support a Mobile Workforce [Infographic]

One of the pros of a mobile workforce is that employees want to use their own devices. One of the cons of a mobile workforce is that

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How to Secure Mobile Devices in the Workplace

Workers used to leave work at the office, or at least, they’d be limited to what they could fit in their briefcases. Now your employees,

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The Waiting Game: Benefits of Digital Signage in Healthcare

When you go to a hospital, the waiting room can be boring, but it’s often more than that. Patients may be uncomfortable or in pain, and

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Should You Modernize Your Health Care Collaboration Tech?

Hospitals and other health care facilities are busy building video consulting rooms so they can expand their services to more patients,

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Why 60% of Patients Want Virtual Doctor Visits [Infographic]

Video conferencing has long been an effective and convenient way for families and friends to stay connected, for business professionals to

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How Technical Difficulties Cost Time, Money, Peace of Mind

When you’re the first one on a conference call because other meeting participants are struggling to connect, what do you do?

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4 Collaboration Styles and Tech Needs

Variety is the spice of life, and it takes all kinds of collaboration styles to make a company successful. When your work meetings are set

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Virtual Reality Market to Increase to $38B by 2020

With Snapchat or Facebook Messenger, you can apply bunny teeth, superhero masks, or any number of filters to give yourself a new look --

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A+ Technology: Tablets as Teaching Tools

The debate over tablets in schools has taken many twists and turns over time. It’s always hard to predict what will happen with new and

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Three Ways Flexible Healthcare Workspaces Stretch Your Budget Dollar

Creating departmental budgets might land somewhere between visiting the dentist and the department of motor vehicles on the list of things

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Plan to Improve Patient Experience with Digital Signage

There’s an often-cited statistic that 30 percent of first-time visitors get lost in the hospital.

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Questions to Ask Before Investing in Mobile Collaboration

We know the importance of video conferencing in this new age of global, digital, mobile, and flexible working in environments that are of

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Artificial Intelligence Is Here to Help

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, recently announced he plans to build a basic AI assistant. "My personal challenge for 2016 is

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Impressive Tech from ISE 2016

We live in a world where people can pay for groceries with their watch and even children can video conference from their smartphones, so

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The Technology Behind the Mobility Revolution

The mobile workforce wants to be able to do everything from everywhere. They don’t want to always have to head into the office for meetings

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What Going Mobile Means for Your Business [Infographic]

In Joe Versus the Volcano, Tom Hanks plays Joe, a clerical worker whose job stinks. Everyone at the company arrives at the same time,

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The Workplace Meeting Is Changing: How to Keep Up

The tried-and-true workplace meeting is changing–and fast! Although face-to-face meetings still occur, virtual meetings using Skype, huddle

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The Year of the Smartphone? [Infographic]

In 2016, mobile devices could become the primary computing devices in our lives. According to Wired magazine,smartphones and tablets are

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Take Government Services Digital to Improve Public Satisfaction

A high priority for business is improving customer experiences. In fact, it ranks just below increasing revenue in a recent Forrester

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How Video Walls Can Support Your Business Goals

If you’re a movie buff, the idea of video walls may conjure up the Official Correspondence from the Capitol of Panem in the Hunger Games,

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How to Measure the ROI of Your Digital Signage Strategies

Finding appropriate metrics by which to measure your business efforts can be complicated.

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Live Video Streaming: Watch out for these Bumps in the Road

Many different religious denominations have embraced the use of technology in their Houses of Worship in order to create richer worship

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Keeping Live Events Live with Video

At AVI, we love hosting regional events, trainings, and educational seminars. We also understand you are busy and it’s not always possible

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Washington University Enhances Learning – Not Obstructs It

Take a stroll through the 102,000-square-foot Olin School of Business at Washington University and you’ll see students using

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