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Find Out If You Have a Connected Workspace or a Horror Story

Have you ever heard someone in your office proclaim that technology hates them or is being disagreeable? When your team has technical

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How Well Does Your Office Collaboration Technology Work? [Quiz]

Choosing collaboration technology can be fun. Designing workspaces can be fun. Assessing your current collaboration capabilities and

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Should You Modernize Your Health Care Collaboration Tech?

Hospitals and other health care facilities are busy building video consulting rooms so they can expand their services to more patients,

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Why 60% of Patients Want Virtual Doctor Visits [Infographic]

Video conferencing has long been an effective and convenient way for families and friends to stay connected, for business professionals to

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When Your Conference Room Technology Fails [Infographic]

Meetings can be challenging enough without running into technical errors with your conference room technology. You should only worry about

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The Anatomy of a Great Huddle Room

You can find so many solutions now claiming to be designed for huddle rooms. These spaces are areas designated for easy collaboration among

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How Technical Difficulties Cost Time, Money, Peace of Mind

When you’re the first one on a conference call because other meeting participants are struggling to connect, what do you do?

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How to Make Your Meeting Rooms More Accessible

Technology can be challenging to many in the workplace, but if you’re one of the 1 in 4 adults in America who have a disability, it can add

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The Easy Solution to Your Meeting Room Conflicts

The business world has a love-hate relationship with meetings. You hear a lot about the hate part, but in reality, most workers see the

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A Life-Saving Company in need of Technology Saving

Missouri Employers Mutual (MEM), a workers compensation insurance provider, opened its doors in 1995, dedicating itself to safe working

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10 Technologies and Trends to Watch in 2017

The wealth of technologies available to organizations in 2016 often made audiovisual integrations even more complex. Emerging technology

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4 Collaboration Styles and Tech Needs

Variety is the spice of life, and it takes all kinds of collaboration styles to make a company successful. When your work meetings are set

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Make Employee Training Fun with New Technologies

The business world certainly has a healthy appreciation for employee training, but every so often debates surface about its value and

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Virtual Reality Market to Increase to $38B by 2020

With Snapchat or Facebook Messenger, you can apply bunny teeth, superhero masks, or any number of filters to give yourself a new look --

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Collaboration Solutions That Let You Do More with Less

For as long as remote collaboration tools have been around, corporations have offered flexible work options. Those tools started out as

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Enhancing the Learning Environment with State-of-the-art AV

In this day and age, there is no escaping the constant technological advances. Technology has evolved our everyday life, especially in

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Your Guide to Comparing Remote Collaboration Technologies

It used to be that when your team had a meeting to discuss a big presentation, true remote collaboration was a challenge. If everyone was

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What You Need to Know About Managed Services

What are managed services — really? Support services have been around since way before the days that repair and maintenance workers would

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Technologies for the New Trend in Conference Rooms

Time is money. And space is money. That’s why so many companies are designing their conference rooms to optimize space and save valuable

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Tech that increases flexibility and saves time in conference rooms

While huddle spaces and remote work are hot topics in work collaboration right now, you don’t want to write off the conference room just

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Huddle Room Tech That Supports Remote Workers

To “huddle” is to put your heads together—as a group—to plan, strategize, collaborate, etc. When creating huddle rooms in the workplace,

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How to Compare Huddle Room Solutions

You’ve had a lightbulb moment, but you’d have to act on your idea today. You need to share it with your team, but you doubt there is a

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A+ Technology: Tablets as Teaching Tools

The debate over tablets in schools has taken many twists and turns over time. It’s always hard to predict what will happen with new and

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Improve Training Spaces with Collaboration Tech

Remote work is increasing, and it’s likely to become even more commonplace since many companies are seeing positive results. One recent

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Have Them at Hello with Quality Mic Technology

“The Voice” is a show where judges must make a determination based on sound alone. They get no clue as to a singing contestant’s age,

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Hold the Phone! Choosing Modern Meeting Solutions

How many web conferences have you given up on, instead resorting to a phone call? The trouble with that is remote participants can’t share

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Three Ways Flexible Healthcare Workspaces Stretch Your Budget Dollar

Creating departmental budgets might land somewhere between visiting the dentist and the department of motor vehicles on the list of things

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Make Technology Work for You, Not Against You

Technology has not only improved the quality of life for countless people, but is has changed the way the world does business. However,

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Limit Disruptions when Implementing New Collaboration Technologies

We’re preparing some fun new material to help you create and update your collaboration spaces. But before you start upgrading your

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4K: Are You Ready?

There is no doubt that you’ve heard about 4K, as the technology has been around for a few years. Yet so many workplaces have not

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Work Happily Ever After with Modern Meeting Tech

Have you ever been in a meeting where participants spend an hour hashing out details, diligently taking notes, but they can’t actually get

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Remote Work Equals Productive Work with the Right Tools

When we talk about remote work, we hear a lot about the lone workers who are driving the trend, but the real story is much bigger than that.

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Make Video Conferencing Easy for All Participants

Once upon a time, if your employer allowed you to work from home, there was a setup process that included ensuring you had an adequate

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Technologies to Improve Hearing and Communication at Work

Have you ever placed an order at a drive-through restaurant or coffee shop and not been able to hear the person at the other end? Aside

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Fairy tale Collaboration Starts with the Right Technology

Do your meetings always seem to start off on the wrong foot? Maybe they start late because the host has trouble figuring out the equipment.

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13 Questions to Ask an AV Partner

AV partners offer free assessments for communication and collaboration projects all the time. But, what's equally important is your

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Get Real about the Future of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality. Augmented reality. Hyperreality. Technology is taking us from life-like experiences to enhanced reality that might seem

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Smart and Sleek Innovations from InfoComm 2016

There’s never been a time with as much excitement and innovation in the AV industry as now, so it’s fun to see what comes out of InfoComm

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5 Reasons Your Company Isn’t Embracing Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is quickly becoming a mainstay in modern business. Organizations looking to cut travel and overhead costs while

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Questions to Ask Before Investing in Mobile Collaboration

We know the importance of video conferencing in this new age of global, digital, mobile, and flexible working in environments that are of

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Why Mobile Tech a Must-Have for Higher Ed

It wasn’t that long ago that when your college classmate wanted to see your notes from last week’s lecture, you handed them a sheet of

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Internet of Things Simplifies Tasks but Complicates Privacy

If you embrace the internet of things (IoT), you can design your life so you don’t have to do more than lift a finger to secure your home,

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Take Control of Your Collaboration Spaces

Many companies employ a free-for-all system when it comes to finding meeting spaces. The quest for a collaboration room becomes everyone

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Keeping Hackers Out of Government Conference Rooms

Last year, Chinese hackers accessed the information of 4 million U.S. federal employees. Hackers also infiltrated IRS systems to steal the

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Create a Technology Roadmap for the Future

Whether you “hate” change or not, it can be difficult. The speed of change for current technologies makes purchase decisions complex and

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Virtual Meeting Rooms for the Modern Workforce

In the fable of the tortoise and the hare, it is a contest between speed and perseverance.

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Meeting Delayed Because Your Room Lacks the Tech You Need?

It’s your lucky day. The nearest conference room is free for an impromptu call with some members of your team as well as some

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Impressive Tech from ISE 2016

We live in a world where people can pay for groceries with their watch and even children can video conference from their smartphones, so

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