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Impressive Tech from ISE 2016

We live in a world where people can pay for groceries with their watch and even children can video conference from their smartphones, so

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The Connection Between Work and Home Goes Both Ways

The Internet of Things (IoT) isn’t about things at all. It’s about people and what their connected “things” allow them to do. Technology is

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The Technology Behind the Mobility Revolution

The mobile workforce wants to be able to do everything from everywhere. They don’t want to always have to head into the office for meetings

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What Going Mobile Means for Your Business [Infographic]

In Joe Versus the Volcano, Tom Hanks plays Joe, a clerical worker whose job stinks. Everyone at the company arrives at the same time,

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Keep an Eye to the Sky: Here Come the Drones

Society has a love/hate relationship with drones—those little flying robots from our imaginations. We are appalled that the little creepers

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Are You Ready for Some Serious Mind-Melding at AVI LIVE 2016?

This year AVI is saying farewell to the past Technology Showcase format and hello to newly rebranded AVI LIVE events. This year’s inaugural

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Should BYODs Be Allowed in Class?

People toting BYODs—Bring Your Own Devices—with them is a fact of modern life, and K-12 schools are no exception to this rule.

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Get Ready for Wearables in the Workplace

Wearable technology–a.k.a. “wearables,” as in Apple Watch and its Android equivalents–are seriously catching on. According to International

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Is It Time to Refresh Your Workplace Technology?

After you've sat down for a meeting, it usually goes a few ways. Either it's great, smooth sailing and productive. Or, it's not.

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The Workplace Meeting Is Changing: How to Keep Up

The tried-and-true workplace meeting is changing–and fast! Although face-to-face meetings still occur, virtual meetings using Skype, huddle

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The Year of the Smartphone? [Infographic]

In 2016, mobile devices could become the primary computing devices in our lives. According to Wired magazine,smartphones and tablets are

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2016 Predictions: Trends and Technologies to Watch

2015 was a big year for the Internet of Things, millennials, and workplace transformation. Which of these topics will continue to surface

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Take Government Services Digital to Improve Public Satisfaction

A high priority for business is improving customer experiences. In fact, it ranks just below increasing revenue in a recent Forrester

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How to Take the 'Huddling' out of Huddle Rooms

If you’re working with tight budgets and trying to support an increasingly mobile workforce, you’re likely one of the 100 million people

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How Video Walls Can Support Your Business Goals

If you’re a movie buff, the idea of video walls may conjure up the Official Correspondence from the Capitol of Panem in the Hunger Games,

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Reinvent the Workplace to Support a Changing Workforce

When practically every major analyst firm is projecting upwards of 50 percent of the workforce will be mobile in the next three to five

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4 Reasons it’s Time for 4K in Healthcare

A recent report by ABI Research projects that UHD TV penetration will reach 61% in North America by 2020. That’s not really a surprising

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How the Internet of Things Might Impact Your Technology Refresh

You can’t look at a business or technology site without hitting at least a dozen articles on the Internet of Things (IoT). It’s a hot topic.

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Video Conferencing Goes to Court

At its core, business communication is largely about connecting related groups, resulting in shared ideas and collaboration, and ultimately

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How to Measure the ROI of Your Digital Signage Strategies

Finding appropriate metrics by which to measure your business efforts can be complicated.

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4 Ways Technology Impacts Today's Higher Education

Technology has revolutionized the college campus, but as with most things in life, technology adoption isn’t a one size fits all affair.

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How Audiovisual Technology Fits in Medical Facilities

The advances in medical technology are redefining the ways health care facilities cater to patients. In addition to saving lives, these

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Could the Cloud be Safer than Onsite Data Centers?

Despite entering the enterprise scene more than a decade ago, cloud technology still faces one issue that is hindering mainstream adoption:

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AV and IT: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

AV and IT convergence essentially means transporting three different types of systems—audio, video and data through IT data networks. This

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Top 10 Trends of InfoComm '15 – An Integrator's Perspective

1. Convergence of AV and IT. You’ve heard it all before but to hear Crestron say, “We’re no longer an AV company, it’s all about IT,”

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Live Video Streaming: Watch out for these Bumps in the Road

Many different religious denominations have embraced the use of technology in their Houses of Worship in order to create richer worship

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Keeping Live Events Live with Video

At AVI, we love hosting regional events, trainings, and educational seminars. We also understand you are busy and it’s not always possible

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How Technology Enhances the Museum Experience

The North Dakota Heritage Center, located on the Capitol grounds in Bismarck, is home to the State Museum, the State Historical Society of

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AVI Systems Goes All In with InfoComm Training and Education

AVI Systems continues to go above and beyond with InfoComm certifications by providing annual in-house Certified Technology Specialist

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The Worst Video Conference Ever (And How to Fix It)

AVI walks you through some of the biggest errors made during video conferences that can throw a wrench into any meeting. To ensure a smooth

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Washington University Enhances Learning – Not Obstructs It

Take a stroll through the 102,000-square-foot Olin School of Business at Washington University and you’ll see students using

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Why Huddle Rooms Are the Way to Go

Businesses often focus on designing one extravagant boardroom packed with the latest technology made to impress new hires and potential

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5 Considerations When Choosing a Video conferencing System

Video conferencing makes it easy to connect with clients and business partners around the world - talking to them face-to-face as if you

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Looking Back on 40 years with Chairman Joe Stoebner

As we celebrate AVI’s 40th anniversary, it’s the perfect time to take a look back at our formative years and honor the significant

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