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4 Tips to Keep Employees Safe as Your Workplace Re-Opens

Lately it seems every business story is about returning to work. It’s important to remember that during the pandemic, most essential

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5 Myths About Creating a Safe Work Environment - And Why They're Wrong

Proactive organizations now have plansin place tocreate safe work environmentsthat protect employees as they return to work. Diminishing

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Don't Overlook These 3 Objectives in Your Return-to-Work Plan

The million-dollar question on everybody’s mind is, “when will we return to the office?”

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A Proven Communications Strategy for a Hybrid Workforce

When the pandemic took hold of the economy, many people felt left in the dark by their organizations. What were they to do? Work from home,

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Guaranteed Tips for Better Virtual Meetings

IT departments work diligently to research, vet and roll out video conferencing software that meets their high standards of security and

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Best Practices for Safer Conference Rooms During COVID-19

Nearly every state in America is reopening following the pandemic and, by some estimates, almost40 percent of remote workerseagerly await

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Expert Advice for Selecting Thermal Imaging Technology

People across industries want to get back into the office, but not without fear that viruses wait for their arrival. Organizations across

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Learn How to Avoid Overloading Your Campus Technology

Editor’s Note: Special thanks to Bose Professional for its sponsorship of this five-part blog series on audiovisual trends in the higher

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The Evolving Higher Ed Learning Experience

Editor’s Note: This is the fourth of a five-part blog series sponsored by Bose Professional.

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'Human Factor' Determines Success of Sports and Entertainment Venues

In our second installment of AV Trends and Insights, we addressed the popularity of public-private partnerships in the higher education

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Why More Universities Are Partnering with Businesses on Big Projects

Editor’s Note: This is the second of a five-part blog series sponsored by Bose Professional.

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The Implications of Active Learning in the Higher Education Market

Throughout his career, Brad Sousa, CTO at AVI Systems, has been finding the best ways to implement new AV technologies to enhance how

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Zoom, Microsoft and Cisco Are Making Headlines, So Now What?

Zoom, Microsoft and Cisco have been making headlines in the past few months because of their collective endeavor to solve a complex problem

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Pro Audio Systems in Sports Stadiums Impact the Fan Experience

Cold temperatures and snow aren't enough to keep Bison fans away from cheering on their team. North Dakota State University's football

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A CTO's Time-tested Tips for Maximizing Your Experience at InfoComm

Walking into the exhibition hall at InfoComm is sensory overload. Anything you can imagine related to AV is in front of you, along with

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AVI LIVE Is A Year's Worth of Insight and Technology in a Single Day

Exotic animals flash on a large 4K video wall before cross fading to a cityscape with long streaking lights left behind by traffic far

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5 Tech Trends that Business and Tech Leaders Face in 2019

Technology moves too fast sometimes. The rate of change leaves some businesses and organizations scrambling, while others simply lag too

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What The iPod Teaches Us About Workforce Adoption

As a CTO, the result I see too often is a system that meets the specifications but does nothing to create pervasive change in the

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The Secret To Accelerating Tech Adoption From Multigenerational Perspectives

You’ve heard this story before. A CIO asks his or her team to help solve a big problem and they spend months framing up a solution. The

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University of Kansas Hospital Expects 30% Inpatient Volume Increase

The University of Kansas Hospital built its Cambridge Tower A in order to handle the expected 30 percent increase of overall inpatient

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6 Signs You Need a New Projector

Projectors have been part of workplace technology for generations, and they've come a long way.

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How to Choose the Right Projector Screen

When it comes to a big AV purchase like a projector, most technology buyers invest a lot of thought, time, and research into the decision.

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The Foundation of a Solid Digital Signage Content Strategy

People out and about during their day may drive or walk by many digital signs. If they pass by the same image week after week and the

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Afraid Your All-Hands Meeting Might Glitch Out? Try This

All-hands meetings for large companies can be complicated to orchestrate and pull off successfully. But while these meetings are enormous

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NSCA Raises Funds to Address the Workforce Shortage

The National Systems Contractors Association raised $17,500 on Monday, June 25, for its IGNITE program during the Midwest Outing of the

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3 Ways Unified Collaboration Can Benefit Your Company

In today’s digitally-enabled workplace, employees and teams use a variety of collaboration tools to accomplish a single task.

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Why Health Care Organizations Need a Monitoring and Reporting System

The last thing you want to happen during a well-prepared presentation or an online appointment with a patient is to fumble with video

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5 Ways Projectors Can Improve Your Message

A rogue ringtone, a knock at the door, a missing document—there are plenty of things to interrupt a presentation. Your projector, though,

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InfoComm 2018 Takeaways: Best Gear, Emerging Trends, About the Show

By now you've likely recovered from InfoComm 2018.

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Enhancing the Museum Experience with 4K Projectors

Everyone probably has a memory of being dragged to a museum as a kid. Walking around in silence, staring at static displays and cardboard

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Attract Customers with Interactive Experiences

Americans used to dress up—not just to attend job interviews, jury duty, and the opera—but to go places like the airport and the department

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One Way to Address the Shortage of AV Pros

What was once considered simply the “audiovisual industry” is now a high-tech industry of integrated systems, where emerging and converging

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Adoption Makes or Breaks Your Technology Initiatives

If you are implementing a proven solution at your organization, and everyone has the best intentions, what are the odds your project will

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Smart Office Technologies: Cool or Creepy?

The technology in day-to-day life comes with a hefty dose of privacy concerns. People wonder how much technologies — like social media,

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5 Steps to Improving Workplace UX

The average American worker spends more time working at the office than they do at home—7.9 hours compared to 3.1 hours. If that time is

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Capture and Capitalize On Video Data with AI

The average knowledge worker consumes hours of digital media a day in the form of blogs, television broadcasts, Internet videos and more.

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3 Ways Technology Makes Life Better

As technology proliferates in both our homes and workplaces, obsession over fancy new gadgets has given way to worry about the long-term

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3 Ways AI Can Impact Your Business

While AV and IT acquisition have long been manufacturer-centric, the tide is shifting and many companies are making decisions about AV and

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Embrace Technology of Tomorrow To Attract The Workforce of Tomorrow

Ask a Baby Boomer currently working in an office setting whether they are working in a high-tech, futuristic environment and they will

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Does Collaboration Change with 4 Generations in the Workplace? [Infographic]

Companies are using teched out offices for everything from boosting productivity to attracting talent and engaging workers. Visual

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How Telehealth Helps Save Lives, Told by Mike Zimmer

When Mike Zimmer got into work one Monday morning, he wasn’t expecting the call that brought news of an almost tragic event that was

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AVI LIVE 2018. MPLS + CHI. Tech at its 'Latest and Greatest'

Walking into Target Field downtown Minneapolis on Wednesday, April 25, you were greeted by dozens of vendors who spent the evening before

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The Best of Audio in 2018 from Leading Manufacturers

Modern technologies can be thrilling. From robotics and drones to artificial intelligence and virtual reality, the stuff of yesterday’s

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5 Things To Know About New Regulations For Wireless Mics [Infographic]

Editor's Note: AVI Systems updated this blog post on Jan. 25, 2021, to provide further clarity and insight into the changes to wireless

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Increase Your Audio Impact With Smart Speakers

We’ve all pondered the old philosophical question, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it make a sound?”

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What Can a Telehealth Program Do for Physicians and Providers?

Continuing talks around the benefits of telehealth, Senior Account Manager Mike Zimmer explains how a focused telehealth program can impact

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When Bad Audio Happens to Good People: 3 Scenarios to Consider

Technology is always evolving from video walls to remote collaboration to interactive screens, but one thing is and will remain the same:

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Understanding Audio: Terms and Solutions You Need To Know

No matter the industry you are in, the size of your company, the location of your employees or the type of conference room you use, audio

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