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AVI Systems' Paul Mee Takes Home First in Commercial Integrator Fantasy Football League

Audiovisual October 1, 2024

Commercial Integrator, an AV industry publication, announced in August 2016 that it was going to host a "for-entertainment-purposes-only" fantasy football league. The publication invited manufacturers, AV personalities, integrators and others to sign up for the chance to win "bragging rights—and maybe more."

Only, that first year the turnout wasn't expected to be more than, say, 10 companies. Maybe? To Commercial Integrator Account Executive Shawn Tobin's surprise, it turned out to be more like 55 companies vying for a spot in the league.

For this most recent season, roughly 75 companies turned out, Tobin said. There ended up being seven different leagues, with 12 people in each one. Representatives from various AV manufacturers, integrators, and consultancies made up the leagues, along with someone from Commercial Integrator, or CI.

"It was a really cool mix of integrators, manufacturers, and consultants," Tobin said. "The league has been great. People have loved the networking that comes with meeting people in the fantasy football league that you don't work with on a day-to-day basis."

"This industry is always so serious and focused all the time. To see a different side of people where they let their guard down and cheer their home team on ... it was a bunch of fun."

Tobin managed the league that Paul Mee, inside sales specialist at AVI Systems, played in and ultimately went on to win the top spot of. "It was a good accomplishment for him to win his first year," Tobin said.

I reached out to Paul about winning first in his league this year, and this is what he had to say. His responses have been edited slightly for clarity.

A Brief Season Recap

First off, I want to thank Shawn Tobin with Commercial Integrator for putting together and running the league. I had a blast competing with everyone, and I’m looking forward to defending the title next season. Also, I had a great time bantering with everyone on Twitter.

I went into week 5 with a respectable 2-2 record. Then, OBJ goes down and I’m thinking I have no shot anymore.

But, with a decent draft selection, hounding the waiver wire like a mad-man -- and a little luck -- I pulled through.

I limped into the playoffs with a 7-6 record. Double-elimination playoff brackets with combine scores for weeks 14 - 15 and weeks 16 - 17.

I managed to get by Tobin within the first rounds, and then REALLY squeaked by in the last two rounds of the playoffs against Team Wicka to take home the crown.

What was the highlight of the season?

I didn't even think I had a shot at making the playoffs with a 7-6 record, let alone win the whole thing, so just making the playoffs was a highlight for me.

Going into next year, is there anything you’re looking out for? Anything you’d change?

 I took some risks during the draft, which paid off for me during the season, and I'll probably use that approach again this upcoming season. If I change anything, it would most likely be to step-up my Twitter intimidation game.

Were there any challenges?

My no. 1 draft pick went down for the season in week 5 -- that was tough. I played the waiver wire pretty well and was able to do what it took to make it to the playoffs.

Overall, how was it competing in the league? What would you tell somebody who hasn’t signed up before?

The Commercial Integrator Fantasy Football league is fantastic -- just a bunch of tech nerds duking it out every week. It's mostly light-hearted, but anyone new to the league should expect a decent amount of trash talk over Twitter. Your trash talking skills are almost as important as your fantasy football expertise.

What did you think of the league this year?

I think it's fantastic. It's a great idea too. Fantasy football is becoming so popular -- so why not create a contest amongst friends in the AV world? It also brings awareness to AV and gets people interested.
Also, I want to add that it takes a good amount of time and work to commission a fantasy football league, and I definitely want to thank Shawn Tobin at Commercial Integrator for running it.

And for the Winnings?

Paul won a $100 Visa gift card for taking home first this season, along with sponsored content space for AVI Systems on My TechDecisions' website and in an email. My TechDecisions is an affiliate of Commercial Integrator.

Congrats on the win, Paul!


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